Estoy mucho tiempo diario en La Nave Nodriza, haciendo lo mío. El año pasado, colaboré en un esfuerzo para recaudar fondos. Llegamos al objetivo de financiación y como resultado, La Nave ha podido ser mejorado. Entre otras cosas, mi área de trabajo ha sido mejor acondicionado. Mil gracias a todos los que han participado.
Abajo, el texto original que escribí para la campaña en Inglés.
First of all, and these are the first words I’m writing, thanks for reading this. Thanks for taking the time to investigate until now. I hope you’ll read a little further and I’ll explain how you can help me (us) and hopefully convince you to actually help.
There are three things you can do to help.
The more people know about this campaign, the more likely we’ll reach our minimum goal or surpass the optimum goal.
I’m working as a free-lance programmer and I rent a desk at La Nave Nodriza Coworking, a non-profit association. That’s it. I have no legal affiliation with them.
Very simply put, the Mothership (La Nave Nodriza), is a brilliant concept. Paco Lajo, the helmsman, started this non-profit organization about a year ago with the goal to help local talents express themselves. In this short time, some expositions have been held and more are planned. There are a number of artisans working ceramics. There are a number of photographers. One fine artist paints textiles. One architect does social projects and I’m a simple programmer who wanted to create an open source template …
People are busy at all times, and in the evenings the space is used for music practice. It’s quite dynamic.
The brilliance of the concept is in the synergies that form when people work together, even if they are working in unrelated fields. Somebody offered me help with the design of the template. Somebody else helped me repair something. I’ve offered to help with Excel and whatnot. Another person asked me for help with the website. I believe the sum is greater than the parts.
Which brings us to the money. The Mothership is a non-profit organization and there are plans to improve the infrastructures. One of the planned workplaces will be a “community desk” for unemployed people to use, free of charge. That’s directly helping whomever needs a desk and an Internet connection… perpetually.
The amount of money petitioned for this first phase is very humble when considering the big picture. Parsifal, one of the Mothership’s engineers, told me that 1.000€ extra would be ever so welcome.
Let me repeat the message: If you can help us with money, we’d be grateful. Helping us spread the word would really push this campaign in the right direction. Personally, I’d love to see twice the optimum goal! How about you, do you think this is a worthy cause? Will you help?
Thanks for your time. Mucho appreciated